[petsc-dev] calling DMPlexPointLocalRef() from fortran
Adrian Croucher
a.croucher at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Apr 8 18:26:58 CDT 2014
On 08/04/14 23:31, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> 1) ex33 will probably get eliminated. It is mostly a copy of ex11
> which does work. Use that.
OK- to begin with I tried running TS ex11 with the option
-ufv_vtk_cellgeom (to get it to write out the partition vector to VTK):
mpirun -np 2 ex11 -f sevenside-quad-15.exo -ufv_vtk_cellgeom
but that gave the same error message I was getting yesterday with my
test code. I tried it with some of the other exo meshes, with the same
error. So it looks like there might be a problem there (unless I'm
running it with inappropriate input?) If I don't use -ufv_vtk_cellgeom
it runs fine.
> 2) Are you solving something using FVM?
> 3) The VTK/HDF5 output now relies on being able to set the boundary
> values automatically. Here is it trying
> to do it for FVM. Right now, it assumes that you have told it
> about the face geometry, which happens in ex11.
> If you do not want this, I need to understand what you want to do.
Yes, I'm using FVM. To begin with I'm trying to set up a simple test
code to solve an advection-diffusion problem on an unstructured FVM
mesh, to learn how PETSc (particularly DMPlex) works. If that works out
I'll use it as a basis for solving my real problem.
Cheers, Adrian
Dr Adrian Croucher
Department of Engineering Science
University of Auckland
New Zealand
tel 64-9-373-7599 ext 84611
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