[petsc-dev] moab nightlybuild failure

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jun 28 23:11:29 CDT 2013

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

>    Ok, we need to document this somehow. Currently moab.py in petsc master has 
> class Configure(config.package.GNUPackage):
>   def __init__(self, framework):
>     config.package.GNUPackage.__init__(self, framework)
>     self.downloadpath      = 'http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/fathom/'
>     self.gitcommit         = 'master'
> should it ever have 'master' here? Cause if someone changes master in
> moab (which will happen) this will no longer be valid, right?

Right, which is why we occasionally see breakage from daily
volatility/configuration in MOAB 'master'.

> Can you fix this and add add a comment at this point that tells what
> git command on moab master should be run and what value from that
> command should be put in self.gitcommit whenever PETSc master is
> updated to use a newer moab?

Merged to 'next':

commit c845683f3935bbc2dd6f4639807fcc097057f7cf (balay/fix-moab-git)
Author: Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Fri Jun 28 22:15:54 2013 -0500

    config MOAB: use fixed gitcommit from 2013-06-25
    The branch 'master' is constantly changing, so prior states are not
    reproducible.  Instead, reference an exact commit.

diff --git a/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MOAB.py b/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MOAB.py
index ba664c2..7c14472 100644
--- a/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MOAB.py
+++ b/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MOAB.py
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ class Configure(config.package.GNUPackage):
   def __init__(self, framework):
     config.package.GNUPackage.__init__(self, framework)
     self.downloadpath      = 'http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/fathom/'
-    self.gitcommit         = 'master'
+    # To track MOAB.git, update gitcommit to 'git describe --always' or 'git rev-parse HEAD'
+    self.gitcommit         = '23ce6f7956f8a9e233edd17ac82e20726d3be500' # master 2013-06-25
     self.giturls           = ['https://bitbucket.org/fathomteam/moab.git']
     self.downloadname      = 'moab'
     self.downloadfilename  = 'moab'
-------------- next part --------------
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