[petsc-dev] Remove or deprecate DMDALocalToLocalBegin/End when adding DMLocalToLocalBegin/End

Richard Tran Mills rtm at eecs.utk.edu
Wed Jun 12 13:32:35 CDT 2013

Hi Folks,

Another question related to adding DMLocalToLocalBegin()/End(): When I do 
so, the existing DMDALocalToLocalBegin()/End() become redundant.  Should 
these DMDA routines be removed, or is there some mechanism in place to 
mark them as deprecated or similar these days?


Richard Tran Mills, Ph.D.
Computational Earth Scientist      | Joint Assistant Professor
Hydrogeochemical Dynamics Team     | EECS and Earth & Planetary Sciences
Oak Ridge National Laboratory      | University of Tennessee, Knoxville
E-mail: rmills at ornl.gov  V: 865-241-3198 http://climate.ornl.gov/~rmills

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