[petsc-dev] time since merge with next
Jed Brown
jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Dec 4 09:11:47 CST 2013
Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> Jed,
> Can you do your magic so that for each line it prints afterwards the date of the merge with next or the time since it was merged with next? Maybe other stuff like if it has been modified since being pushed to next? Maybe sort on time since merged to next?
> ~/Src/petsc/src/snes/examples/tutorials barry/saws-options $ comm -12 <(git branch -r --merged next | sort) <(git branch -r --no-merged master | sort)
> origin/balay/cmake-use_make_j
> origin/balay/fix-retrieval-permissions
> origin/barry/fix-complex-examples
> origin/barry/fix-examples
> origin/barry/fix-more-examples
> origin/barry/fix-mpiint-petscoptionsgetint
> origin/barry/fix-singleton-viewer
> ….
Something like this?
$ comm -12 <(git branch -r --merged next | grep origin/ | sort) <(git branch -r --no-merged master | grep origin/ | sort) | xargs -n1 git log -1 --format='%Cgreen%ci %Cred%h%Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit | sort
2013-05-14 23:55:12 -0500 89a07f4 (origin/knepley/submesh-declarations) DMInterpolation: Fixed declarations <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-05-22 13:48:39 -0400 0663011 (origin/knepley/fix-dm-clone) DMPlex: clones are already setup <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-05-31 12:28:31 -0500 ab7c975 (origin/shri/ts-powergrid) Started adding noise component in ex10.c <Shri>
2013-06-25 07:18:49 -0600 2a4c499 (origin/knepley/fix-plex-subdm) DMPlex: DMGetSubDM_Plex() had a memory leak - It was also doing extra work <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-06-26 16:49:59 -0500 75d33d5 (origin/shri/ts-is-for-differential-variables) ts.c: fix c89 syntax for windows build <Satish Balay>
2013-07-18 11:11:09 -0700 d94325d (origin/shri/ts-events) ts-events: Set event direction and termination flag when the event is registered. <Shri Abhyankar>
2013-07-24 10:40:02 -0500 c41a56b (origin/prbrune/snes-ex19vtkoutput) Add VTK output to snes/examples/tutorials/ex19.c <Peter Brune>
2013-08-06 10:34:13 -0500 6abeb04 (origin/paulmullowney/aijcusp-ellpack-fix) Fix to AIJCUSP to Enable larger parallel simulations with Ellpack Storage <Paul Mullowney>
2013-09-08 22:49:17 -0500 4f07c63 (origin/prbrune/snes-fixviexampleoutput) Fix for snes/examples/tutorials/ex58 output after line search <Peter Brune>
2013-09-17 23:23:30 -0500 24640ab (origin/shri/projects-dmcircuit, shri/projects-dmcircuit) Merge branch 'knepley/feature-plex-generic-distribute' into shri/projects-dmcircuit <Shri Abhyankar>
2013-09-20 08:15:15 -0500 9a40d00 (origin/barry/wirth-fusion-materials) ex10.c initialized variable should be static so it does not recompute the linear part of the Jacogian each time <Barry Smith>
2013-10-15 15:55:04 -0500 8f5bbff (origin/prbrune/removeunwrappedmathfunctions) Added src/sys/examples/tests/ex25.c for PetscScalar and PetscReal wrapping. <Peter Brune>
2013-10-21 10:37:11 +0200 67c2393 (origin/karlrupp/fix-cuda-viennacl-vecaypx) CUSP, ViennaCL: VecAYPX no longer counts flops if alpha == 0.0 <Karl Rupp>
2013-10-23 14:25:40 -0500 ba7c564 (origin/shri/ts-dae-semi-explicit) doc: fix LOCDIR <Satish Balay>
2013-10-24 18:31:25 -0500 e75a5fb (origin/jed/sr-driver4, jed/sr-driver4) TS ex33: start segmental refinement example <Mark Adams>
2013-10-25 14:43:12 -0400 07d376c (origin/madams/sr-driver4, madams/sr-driver4) added new gold ex33 output and reduced ex33 size. <Mark Adams>
2013-11-05 18:41:31 +0100 165b64e (origin/stefano_zampini/pcbddc-reusebddc, stefano_zampini/pcbddc-reusebddc) PCBDDC: remove unneeded code to check nearnullspace <Stefano Zampini>
2013-11-13 11:02:21 -0600 7343073 (origin/knepley/fix-fem-opencl) PetscFe+OpenCL: Removed N_c variable <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-11-14 15:23:33 -0600 2501eaf (origin/balay/fix-retrieval-permissions) configure: Fix --download-sowing error with 'changing file permissions' of untared files. <Satish Balay>
2013-11-23 11:33:38 -0600 e91bcc9 (origin/knepley/fix-plex-closure-index) DMPlex: Fixed two bugs with DMPlexCreateClosureIndex() - Must make index for entire DM chart - Need to update cloff when no fields are present <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-11-23 17:44:32 -0600 9a576ab (origin/jed/feature-mat-orderings, jed/feature-mat-orderings) MatOrdering WBM: need extern "C" for mc64ad_ <Jed Brown>
2013-12-01 11:17:36 -0600 651aeb8 (origin/barry/fix-examples) update output for some test examples due to additional information being printed by viewers <Barry Smith>
2013-12-01 15:20:10 -0600 28176ea (origin/barry/remove-hmpi) removed all HMPI code - didn't work any more because of randomized memory messing up function pointers - complicated code to maintain that no one used and they would prefer threads anyways <Barry Smith>
2013-12-01 17:50:00 -0600 dd2fa69 (origin/barry/fix-singleton-viewer) fixed PetscViewerASCIIPrintf() for a single viewer so that the singletons ASCII output is actually preserved <Barry Smith>
2013-12-01 21:08:43 -0600 f086f45 (origin/barry/fix-more-examples) fix more examples so they produce cleaner test output <Barry Smith>
2013-12-02 11:20:03 -0600 1013ce2 (origin/shri/feature-dm-circuit) DMCircuit: Added include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/test in makefile. <Shri Abhyankar>
2013-12-02 14:24:09 -0600 a2613fd (origin/barry/fix-complex-examples) fixed memory leak, PetscToken accidently destroyed inside if () branch <Barry Smith>
2013-12-02 16:52:10 -0600 251556f (origin/knepley/fix-plex-submesh-parallel) DMPlex: Fixed leak in SF creation for submesh - Changed name of subpointIS to avoid confusion <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-12-02 18:06:18 -0600 76ec155 (origin/barry/fix-mpiint-petscoptionsgetint) fixed many examples that worked incorrectly for 64 bit indices <Barry Smith>
2013-12-03 08:58:38 -0600 924833a (origin/prbrune/mat-matcolor) MatColoring: Fix uninitialized variable in SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor() <Peter Brune>
2013-12-03 12:32:41 -0600 b7a4a66 (origin/knepley/feature-plex-hybrid-3d) DMPlex ex4: All non-hybrid refinement test pass (Fuck Yeah) <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-12-03 13:05:59 -0600 21328a2 (origin/knepley/feature-plex-gmsh, knepley/feature-plex-gmsh) DMPlex Gmsh: Fixed integer size problem <Matthew G. Knepley>
2013-12-03 13:19:04 -0600 d6182b1 (origin/knepley/feature-dmda-section, knepley/feature-dmda-section) DMPlex: fix stale docs about DMPlexGetCoordinateSection <Jed Brown>
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