[petsc-dev] finding all system calls in PETSc

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Aug 31 18:39:41 CDT 2013

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

> library calls

This arch has a number of external packages, but try running it on a
"minimal" configuration instead.

$ nm -D $PETSC_ARCH/lib/libpetsc.so | grep ' U '
                 U abort
                 U abs
                 U accept
                 U access
                 U acos
                 U asctime
                 U atof
                 U atoi
                 U bind
                 U calloc
                 U cg_base_read
                 U cg_coord_info
                 U cg_coord_read
                 U cg_ElementDataSize
                 U cg_elements_read
                 U cg_nbases
                 U cg_ncoords
                 U cg_ngrids
                 U cg_nsections
                 U cg_nzones
                 U cg_section_read
                 U cg_zone_read
                 U cg_zone_type
                 U close
                 U connect
                 U cos
                 U creat
                 U __ctype_b_loc
                 U dasum_
                 U daxpy_
                 U dcopy_
                 U ddot_
                 U dgeev_
                 U dgelss_
                 U dgemm_
                 U dgemv_
                 U dgeqrf_
                 U dgerfs_
                 U dgesv_
                 U dgesvd_
                 U dgetrf_
                 U dgetrs_
                 U dgges_
                 U dhseqr_
                 U dlclose
                 U dlerror
                 U dlopen
                 U dlsym
                 U dorgqr_
                 U dpotrf_
                 U dpotrs_
                 U dpttrf_
                 U dpttrs_
                 U drand48
                 U dscal_
                 U dstebz_
                 U dstein_
                 U dsteqr_
                 U dswap_
                 U dtgsen_
                 U dtrsen_
                 U dtrsm_
                 U dup
                 U dup2
                 U __errno_location
                 U execvp
                 U ex_get_coord
                 U ex_get_elem_blk_ids
                 U ex_get_elem_block
                 U ex_get_elem_conn
                 U ex_get_init
                 U ex_get_node_set
                 U ex_get_node_set_ids
                 U ex_get_node_set_param
                 U ex_get_side_set_ids
                 U ex_get_side_set_node_list
                 U ex_get_side_set_param
                 U exit
                 U exp
                 U fclose
                 U feclearexcept
                 U feenableexcept
                 U feof
                 U fesetenv
                 U fetestexcept
                 U fflush
                 U fgets
                 U floor
                 U fopen
                 U fork
                 U fprintf
                 U fread
                 U free
                 U fseek
                 U ftell
                 U fwrite
                 U getchar
                 U getcwd
                 U getdomainname
                 U getenv
                 U gethostbyname
                 U get_nprocs
                 U getpagesize
                 U getpid
                 U getppid
                 U getpwnam
                 U getrusage
                 U gettimeofday
                 U H5check_version
                 U H5Dclose
                 U H5Dcreate2
                 U H5Dget_space
                 U H5Dopen2
                 U H5Dread
                 U H5Dset_extent
                 U H5Dwrite
                 U H5Fclose
                 U H5Fcreate
                 U H5Fflush
                 U H5Fopen
                 U H5Gclose
                 U H5Gcreate2
                 U H5Gopen2
                 U H5Lexists
                 U H5open
                 U H5Pclose
                 U H5P_CLS_DATASET_CREATE_g
                 U H5P_CLS_DATASET_XFER_g
                 U H5P_CLS_FILE_ACCESS_g
                 U H5Pcreate
                 U H5Pset_chunk
                 U H5Pset_dxpl_mpio
                 U H5Pset_fapl_mpio
                 U H5Sclose
                 U H5Screate
                 U H5Screate_simple
                 U H5Sget_simple_extent_dims
                 U H5Sselect_hyperslab
                 U H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE_g
                 U htons
                 U _IO_getc
                 U __isinf
                 U __isinff
                 U __isinfl
                 U __isnan
                 U __isoc99_fscanf
                 U __isoc99_sscanf
                 U listen
                 U localtime
                 U log
                 U log10
                 U longjmp
                 U lseek
                 U malloc
                 U memalign
                 U memcmp
                 U memcpy
                 U memmove
                 U memset
                 U MPI_Abort
                 U MPI_Accumulate
                 U MPI_Allgather
                 U MPI_Allgatherv
                 U MPI_Allreduce
                 U MPI_Alltoall
                 U MPI_Alltoallv
                 U MPI_Alltoallw
                 U MPI_Attr_delete
                 U MPI_Attr_get
                 U MPI_Attr_put
                 U MPI_Barrier
                 U MPI_Bcast
                 U MPI_Cancel
                 U MPI_Comm_compare
                 U MPI_Comm_create
                 U MPI_Comm_create_errhandler
                 U MPI_Comm_dup
                 U MPI_Comm_free
                 U MPI_Comm_group
                 U MPI_Comm_rank
                 U MPI_Comm_set_errhandler
                 U MPI_Comm_size
                 U MPI_Comm_split
                 U MPI_File_close
                 U MPI_File_open
                 U MPI_File_read_all
                 U MPI_File_set_view
                 U MPI_File_write_all
                 U MPI_Finalize
                 U MPI_Finalized
                 U MPI_Gather
                 U MPI_Gatherv
                 U MPI_Get
                 U MPI_Get_count
                 U MPI_Group_free
                 U MPI_Group_incl
                 U MPI_Iallreduce
                 U MPI_Ibarrier
                 U MPI_Initialized
                 U MPI_Init_thread
                 U MPI_Iprobe
                 U MPI_Irecv
                 U MPI_Isend
                 U MPI_Issend
                 U MPI_Keyval_create
                 U MPI_Keyval_free
                 U MPI_Op_create
                 U MPI_Op_free
                 U MPI_Put
                 U MPI_Recv
                 U MPI_Recv_init
                 U MPI_Reduce
                 U MPI_Request_free
                 U MPI_Rsend_init
                 U MPI_Scan
                 U MPI_Scatter
                 U MPI_Scatterv
                 U MPI_Send
                 U MPI_Send_init
                 U MPI_Ssend_init
                 U MPI_Start
                 U MPI_Startall
                 U MPI_Test
                 U MPI_Testall
                 U MPI_Type_commit
                 U MPI_Type_contiguous
                 U MPI_Type_create_indexed_block
                 U MPI_Type_create_struct
                 U MPI_Type_create_subarray
                 U MPI_Type_dup
                 U MPI_Type_free
                 U MPI_Type_get_contents
                 U MPI_Type_get_envelope
                 U MPI_Type_get_extent
                 U MPI_Type_get_true_extent
                 U MPI_Type_size
                 U MPI_Wait
                 U MPI_Waitall
                 U MPI_Waitany
                 U MPI_Win_complete
                 U MPI_Win_create
                 U MPI_Win_fence
                 U MPI_Win_free
                 U MPI_Win_lock
                 U MPI_Win_post
                 U MPI_Win_start
                 U MPI_Win_unlock
                 U MPI_Win_wait
                 U nanosleep
                 U open
                 U pclose
                 U perror
                 U pipe
                 U popen
                 U pow
                 U printf
                 U qsort
                 U rand
                 U read
                 U realloc
                 U realpath
                 U _setjmp
                 U setsockopt
                 U sigaction
                 U sigemptyset
                 U signal
                 U sin
                 U sleep
                 U snprintf
                 U socket
                 U sprintf
                 U sqrt
                 U srand
                 U srand48
                 U stderr
                 U stdin
                 U stdout
                 U strcasecmp
                 U strcat
                 U strchr
                 U strcmp
                 U strcpy
                 U strlen
                 U strncat
                 U strncmp
                 U strncpy
                 U strpbrk
                 U strrchr
                 U strstr
                 U strtod
                 U tgamma
                 U time
                 U times
                 U toupper
                 U uname
                 U unlink
                 U vfprintf
                 U vsnprintf
                 U vsprintf
                 U write
                 U XAllocColor
                 U XAllocNamedColor
                 U XChangeGC
                 U XCheckTypedEvent
                 U XCloseDisplay
                 U XCopyArea
                 U XCreateColormap
                 U XCreateFontCursor
                 U XCreateGC
                 U XCreatePixmap
                 U XCreateWindow
                 U XDefineCursor
                 U XDestroyWindow
                 U XDrawLine
                 U XDrawPoint
                 U XDrawString
                 U XFillArc
                 U XFillPolygon
                 U XFillRectangle
                 U XFlush
                 U XFree
                 U XFreeFontInfo
                 U XFreeGC
                 U XGetGeometry
                 U XGetWindowAttributes
                 U XGetWMName
                 U XListFontsWithInfo
                 U XLoadFont
                 U XMapWindow
                 U XMaskEvent
                 U XMatchVisualInfo
                 U XOpenDisplay
                 U XParseColor
                 U XQueryFont
                 U XQueryPointer
                 U XResizeWindow
                 U XSelectInput
                 U XSetClipRectangles
                 U XSetForeground
                 U XSetIOErrorHandler
                 U XSetWindowBackground
                 U XSetWindowColormap
                 U XSetWMName
                 U XSetWMProperties
                 U __xstat
                 U XStoreColor
                 U XStringListToTextProperty
                 U XSync
                 U XUndefineCursor
                 U yaml_event_delete
                 U yaml_parser_delete
                 U yaml_parser_initialize
                 U yaml_parser_parse
                 U yaml_parser_set_input_string
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