[petsc-dev] SNESGetSNESLineSearch and TSGetTSAdapt

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 16 20:49:43 CDT 2013

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

>    You gave me a list. I need a rule!  Is the rule for setting and
>    getting a ABasenameXXXX from a BBasename object
>    BBasenameGet/SetXXX() rather than BBasenameGet/SetABasenameXXX()?
>    Where ABasename sometimes is the same as BBasename but need not be.

Sounds good to me.

>     This is a reasonable rule to propose, appears to be mostly what we
>     have done, it needs to be documented in the developers manual and
>     any fixes made to the code. I am fine with it.
>    Barry
> Note: There is a bit of difference between, for example,
> MatGetNullSpace() where the alternative is MatGetMatNullSpace() and
> MatGetLocalToGlobalMapping() versuse MatGetISLocalToGlobalMapping()
> since the in first case ABasename == BBasename while in the second it
> does not. 

We repeated the IS part in some related API at one point, but it spills
over 31 characters and I don't think it communicates useful information.

> A part of me wants to keep the A/BBasename but in the usual case it is
> redundant and wordy and we haven't kept it anyways in the past. Note:
> if we had a really really good pretty printer I could have it always
> presented in my Emacs buffers with the wordiness :-)

I believe this will do that:

$ cat >> .git/info/attributes <<EOF
*.c filter=barry
*.h filter=barry
$ git config filter.barry.clean  '!sed s/MatGetMatNullSpace/MatGetNullSpace/g'
$ git config filter.barry.smudge '!sed s/MatGetNullSpace/MatGetMatNullSpace/g'

I do not recommend doing this.

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