[petsc-dev] SNESGetSNESLineSearch and TSGetTSAdapt

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 16 14:02:43 CDT 2013

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

>    Jed,
>      Please state what the "more established convention"  is for these names?

MatGetNullSpace returns the null space of a matrix inside a namespaced object MatNullSpace.

MatGetColoring returns a coloring for a matrix inside a namespaced object MatColoring.

MatGetInfo returns info about a matrix inside a namespaced object MatInfo.

MatGetLocalToGlobalMapping returns a local-to-global mapping inside a namespaced object ISLocalToGlobalMapping.

SNESGetConvergedReason gets the reason SNES converged/diverged inside a namespaced object SNESConvergedReason.

TSGetAdapt returns an adaptive controller for TS inside a namespaced object TSAdapt.

SNESGetLineSearch returns a line-search method for SNES inside a namespaced object SNESLineSearch.

Is this really inconsistent?  Surely saying SNESGetSNESLineSearch is
inconsistent with the others, so if we choose that name, we're obliged
to write MatGetMatNullSpace, MatGetMatColoring, MatGetMatInfo, ...

I don't think repeating the namespace like that offers any value, and
doing it only for TSGetTSAdapt and SNESGetSNESLineSearch is anomalous.

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