[petsc-dev] Fwd: PRACE Summer School 2013

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Sep 27 13:25:13 CDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: david.horak at vsb.cz
> Subject: PRACE Summer School 2013
> Date: September 27, 2012 11:37:24 AM CDT
> To: bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
> Cc: ondrej.jakl at vsb.cz
> Dear Prof. Smith,
> my name is David Horak, happy PETSc user for long time (since 1997). Prof. Dostal wrote this invitation few days ago. We are going to organize PRACE Summer School 2013 in Ostrava in the Czech Republic and we would like to have PETSc as the main topic of our programme. Please, could you let us know, if somebody from PETSc team can give lecture. Best wishes and looking forward to see you in Ostrava :)
> David Horak
> Dear Prof. Smith,
> Our group on VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, which represents the
> Czech Republic in PRACE, www.prace-ri.eu, will organize in the middle of
> 2013 one of the PRACE training events, the PRACE Summer School 2013 (PSS13).
> (See http://www.prace-ri.eu/PRACE-Training-Events for more information about
> PRACE training events.) In general, we want to focus it on various aspects
> of mathematical modelling on supercomputers, and during 3-5 days of the
> school offer to about 40 participants a valuable series of lectures and
> hands-on training on the border of mathematics and computer science.
> PETSc is one of the principal tools for scientific computing, and we want
> this topic to be included in the programme. Since we know very well about
> your share in developme of PETSc, we would like to ask you if you would
> contribute to this event by educational lectures. At this time, we are
> beginning with the preparation of the school and we would be happy to learn
> about our preferences related to the syllabus and extent of your prospective
> contribution. Please note that with PRACE seasonal schools, all expenses of
> the trainers related to travelling and stay will be covered by the
> organizers.
> If your participation were not possible, we would appreciate any
> recommendation whom to address instead of you.
> On behalf of the organizing and programme committee, with best regards,
> Zdenek Dostal, David Horak (david.horak at vsb.cz) and Ondrej Jakl
> (ondrej.jakl at vsb.cz)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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