[petsc-dev] fortran questions

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Wed May 16 13:52:56 CDT 2012

On Wed, 16 May 2012, Blaise Bourdin wrote:

> >>> - I would like to create the fortran datatype for PetscBag (Barry: yes, I have a fortran fetish), but I am not completely sure where to start. In particular, how are the .h / .h90 in include/finclude/f90-auto created?
> >> 
> >> bfort should be creating these during fortranstub generation [either
> >> during configure step - or with 'make allfortranstubs']. If the c-code
> >> has a formatted comment that tells bfort to auto-generate fortran stub
> >> - it might also generate the 'interface' function and stash it in
> >> include/finclude/f90-auto.
> That's where I get confused. Take src/sys/bag/bag.c :
> PetscBagCreate fortran binding is created automatically in ftn-auto, yet there is no include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscbag.h90
> What am I missing?

Its added to petscsys.h90 - perhaps because there is no separate
'petscbag' section [in manpages or other places].

This info is obtained and processed from 'MANSEC' field in the
corresponding makefile


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