[petsc-dev] GAMG hiding MG -help

Mark F. Adams mark.adams at columbia.edu
Mon Mar 19 18:58:32 CDT 2012

I just found that GAMG seems to be hiding MG's parameters when -help is used.  

I have this code in my PCSetUp_GAMG:

    /* should be called in PCSetFromOptions_GAMG(), but cannot be called prior to PCMGSetLevels() */
    ierr = PetscObjectOptionsBegin((PetscObject)pc);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PCSetFromOptions_MG( pc ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscOptionsEnd();CHKERRQ(ierr);
    if (mg->galerkin != 2) SETERRQ(wcomm,PETSC_ERR_USER,"GAMG does Galerkin manually so the -pc_mg_galerkin option must not be used.");

Which seems funky, but I think I cloned this or had some reason to put this here.  And I set:

  pc->ops->setfromoptions = PCSetFromOptions_GAMG;

in PCCreate_GAMG.

Any advice on how I should fix this?


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