[petsc-dev] error reading binary file
Mark F. Adams
mark.adams at columbia.edu
Tue Jun 12 16:35:42 CDT 2012
And I now get the following error when I try to run this in parallel.
Note, Blaise, I do not have coordinates, so perhaps you could check that you still get divergence w/o coordinates. (I don't need anything else form you)
[1]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
[1]PETSC ERROR: Nonconforming object sizes!
[1]PETSC ERROR: Sum of local lengths 29784 does not equal global length 29791, my local length 2482
likely a call to VecSetSizes() or MatSetSizes() is wrong.
See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#split!
[1]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development HG revision: 73637941c41b51aa3e638c914e6cb05248ece8b0 HG Date: Mon Jun 11 14:55:24 2012 -0400
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
[1]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]PETSC ERROR: ./ex10 on a arch-maco named madams-macbk-3.local by markadams Tue Jun 12 17:31:55 2012
[1]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from /Users/markadams/Codes/petsc-dev/arch-macosx-gnu-g/lib
[1]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Mon Jun 11 17:03:36 2012
[1]PETSC ERROR: Configure options CXX=/sw/lib/gcc4.4/bin/g++-4 CC=/sw/lib/gcc4.4/bin/gcc-4 CFLAGS=-malign-double CXXFLAGS=-malign-double FC=/sw/lib/gcc4.4/bin/gfortran --download-hypre=1 --download-parmetis=1 --download-metis=1 --download-triangle=1 --with-x=0 --with-debugging=1 --download-mpich=1 PETSC_ARCH=arch-macosx-gnu-g
[1]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]PETSC ERROR: PetscSplitOwnership() line 93 in /Users/markadams/Codes/petsc-dev/src/sys/utils/psplit.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: PetscLayoutSetUp() line 147 in /Users/markadams/Codes/petsc-dev/src/vec/vec/impls/mpi/pmap.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation_MPIAIJ() line 3194 in /Users/markadams/Codes/petsc-dev/src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.c
On Jun 12, 2012, at 5:19 PM, Blaise Bourdin wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, I should have mentioned that the .h5 and xml files are not for public eyes. I am uploading the binary files created with -U_ksp_view_binary, but my internet connection sucks.
> Jed, I put the file on your account on schur. can you access them? The datafiles.tgz archive contains the the result files in hdf5 format. ksp_view_binary.tgz contains only the binary output of ksp_view_binary
> If you give me until tonight, I can try to set a prefix one the vecs.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Blaise
> On Jun 12, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Mark F. Adams wrote:
>> On Jun 12, 2012, at 4:56 PM, Jed Brown wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Mark F. Adams <mark.adams at columbia.edu> wrote:
>>> How is what? The ex10 code or "I set the block size for matrices before SetFromOptions".
>>> This how I create matrices with blocks sizes:
>>> ierr = MatCreate( wcomm, &Prol ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> ierr = MatSetSizes(Prol,nloc*bs,nLocalSelected*col_bs,PETSC_DETERMINE,PETSC_DETERMINE);
>>> CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> ierr = MatSetBlockSizes( Prol, bs, col_bs ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> Sorry, I thought you were talking about vectors because the error is coming from a vector load.
>> There is a vector load, at least ex10 loads a vec and its seems to work (so I assume Blaise put one in there).
>>> Where is this input file? I'll grab it sort out the issue.
>> You can get an archive containing the KSP and the data files at https://filestogeaux.lsu.edu/public/download.php?FILE=bourdin/52338Q0at2Y
>> These are just standard "binaryoutput" files I think,
>> Mark
> --
> Department of Mathematics and Center for Computation & Technology
> Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
> Tel. +1 (225) 578 1612, Fax +1 (225) 578 4276 http://www.math.lsu.edu/~bourdin
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