[petsc-dev] VecScatterBegin_1 with zero sized vectors and PETSC_HAVE_CUSP

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jan 20 17:01:52 CST 2012

On Fri, 20 Jan 2012, Stefano Zampini wrote:

> Thank you, I'll let you know if it crashes again. Anyways, the problem is
> that xin->map->n (vpscat.h actual line 58) is zero for some of my vectors,
> and thus it will enter the if block even if I don't need to do anything
> with CUSP. Is it really important the first logic of the OR?
> Recompile will take a while since my petsc_arch on gpu cluster is not able
> to use cmake to build ( I saw missing files in CMakeLists.txt for CUSP and
> GPU related stuffs). Is it a known issue? Is there a way to simply
> recompile the changed code only?

Assuming includes have not changed - you can just do:
[for each location where files have changed - say for eg: src/ksp/ksp/interface ]

cd src/ksp/ksp/interface

or to get to every changed file automatically

make ACTION=lib tree


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