[petsc-dev] reorganizing src/sys
Jed Brown
jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Dec 10 23:00:49 CST 2012
comm/pami was mine, but it can be removed because that code only works on
COMM_WORLD anyway (lame interfaces in the PAMI/MPI implementation)
On Dec 9, 2012 8:36 PM, "Barry Smith" <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> The src/sys directory is getting rather clogged with an odd collection
> of stuff in seemly randomly and bizarrely named directories with no
> hierarchy (yes Jed I know we don't need no stinky hierarchy, we only need
> tags but that won't help hz50241027 who has "No tags file").
> Barrys-MacBook-Pro:sys barrysmith$ pwd
> /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc-dev/src/sys
> Barrys-MacBook-Pro:sys barrysmith$ ls
> adic comm error f90-src ftn-custom
> makefile.html mpiuni python shell totalview
> viewer
> ams dll examples fileio index.html
> matlabengine objects random threadcomm utils yaml
> bag draw f90-mod fsrc makefile
> memory plog sf time verbose
> I'd like to organize it with more structure, first putting all the
> "system" stuff that does NOT know about PetscObject (only depends on
> petscerror handling, info, and malloc, note does not depend on logging)
> together (truesys), all the stuff that defines the PetscObject model and
> logging together (petscobject), and all the stuff that builds higher level
> infrastructure on top of PetscObjects (topobjects). (names subject to
> improvement).
> The truesys is mostly wrappers for non-portable system routines, things
> like PetscSortInt() etc.
> topobjects includes viewer, random, draw, sf
> There is some weird stuff like shell?, comm/pami? other? What are they?
> Who owns them? Should they be removed?
> As with most changes in PETSc I'd like to do this quickly but
> evolutionarily, moving things around a bit at a time to get to the new form.
> Thoughts?
> Barry
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