[petsc-dev] Problem mixing sieve and TS

Paul Sicsic paul.sicsic at polytechnique.edu
Thu Oct 27 12:29:25 CDT 2011

Thank you very much Jed,
The two last emails gave us the answer.


2011/10/27 Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov>

> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 08:54, Paul Sicsic <paul.sicsic at polytechnique.edu>wrote:
>>    SubRoutine IJacobianPoisson(dummyTS, t, U, Udot, a, Jac, PreJac,
>> AppCtx, iErr)
>>       Type(TS)                                     :: dummyTS
>>       PetscReal                                    :: t, a
>>       Type(Vec)                                    :: U, Udot
>>       Type(Mat)                                    :: Jac, PreJac
>>        Type(AppCtx_Type)                            :: AppCtx
>>       PetscInt                                     :: iErr
> You are missing the MatStructure argument here. Add that and your AppCtx
> should come through correctly.
> (This produces a warning in sane languages like C because the function type
> is checked.)
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