[petsc-dev] Problem mixing sieve and TS

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 26 23:26:38 CDT 2011

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 22:21, Blaise Bourdin <bourdin at lsu.edu> wrote:

> At this point we have overcome the original issue but are still having
> difficulties. We followed the lines of ex22 to setup our TS, with the most
> notable difference being that our DM is a DMMesh and not a DMDA. For some
> reason, the second time the Ifunction is called, the Udot argument is a Vec
> of NaN. We checked the TS in the debugger and dan't catch anything obviously
> wrong. We followed the flow of the code in the debugger, and the NaN get
> generated here:
> (gdb)
> 713       ierr =
> VecAXPBYPCZ(ark->Ydot,-ark->shift,ark->shift,0,ark->Z,X);CHKERRQ(ierr); /*
> Ydot = shift*(X-Z) */

Can you show the value of ark->shift and VecView(ark->Z,0), VecView(X,0)? Is
the system singular?
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