[petsc-dev] Generality of VecScatter

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Nov 26 15:03:31 CST 2011

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 14:25, Mark F. Adams <mark.adams at columbia.edu>wrote:

> So each MPI_Get initiates a message and you pack up a message with an
> array of remote pointers or something?

MPI_Get() has an MPI_Datatype for the remote process. That describes where
in the remote buffer the values should be gotten from. This is much like
how VecScatter can operate on just part of a Vec.

> It sounds like you are saying that you have an auxiliary arrays of remote
> global indices for each processor that you communicate with and your
> broadcast code looks like:
> for all 'proc' that I talk to

for all proc that I _need_ an update from, I don't know or care who needs
an update from me

>  i = 0
>  for all 'v' on proc list
>   if v.state == not-done

I didn't think we would bother with communicating only those values that
were actually updated. Since this should converge in just a few rounds, I
figured that we would just update all ghost points. Note that communicating
the metadata to send only those values that have actually changed may make
the algorithm less latency-tolerant.

>     data[i++] = [ &v.state, v.id, STATE ]  //  vague code here...
>   endif
>  endfor
>  MPI_Get(proc,i,data)
> endfor

I thought we would skip any loop over vertices and just

one-time setup:
remotes = {}
for each ghost vertex v:
    remotes[v.owner_rank] += 1 # add/increment entry for this rank
nremotes = remotes.size
build MPI_Datatype their_datatype[nremotes] (using the remote index stored
for each ghosted vertex) and my_datatype[nremotes] (using the sequential
locations of the ghost vertices in my array) for each rank in remotes,
implement as one loop over ghost vertices

communication in each round:
MPI_Win_fence(0, window)
for (r,rank) in remotes:
    MPI_Get(my_ghosted_status_array, 1, my_datatype[r], rank, 0, 1,
their_datatype[r], window)
MPI_Win_fence(0, window)

All the packing and unpacking is done by the implementation and I never
traverse vertices in user code.
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