[petsc-dev] Fwd: [ACTS-news] DOE ACTS Collection Newsletter, May 2011
Barry Smith
bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Wed May 18 15:41:52 CDT 2011
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Tony Drummond <ladrummond at lbl.gov>
> The 12th Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection,
> "Scalable and Robust Computational Tools for High-End Computing", will be held in Berkeley, California, on August 16-19.
> Relevant Links:
> . Workshop's webpage: http://acts.nersc.gov/events/Workshop2011
> . Application form: http://acts.nersc.gov/events/Workshop2011/application.html
> . ACTS Collection information: http://acts.nersc.gov
> Important Dates to Remember:
> . Application submission deadline: July 1, 2011
> . Application review completed and invitations sent: July 11, 2011
> . Workshop Dates: August 16-19, 2011
> ..................................................................
> The Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Program (SciDAC) 2011 Conference will be held at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, CO, on July 10-14. July 15 will be dedicated to tutorials (to be announced), which will be held at the University of Colorado, Denver. Information about the conference and the tutorials are available at
> http://events.cels.anl.gov/scidac11
> http://events.cels.anl.gov/scidac11/tutorials
> - Extreme scale computing
> Extreme scale (a.k.a. exascale) levels of computing power presents opportunities for novel modeling, simulation and prediction, as well potential transformative developments and discoveries in biology, basic energy sciences, nuclear energy, fusion energy, nuclear physics, high energy physics and climate science. Nonetheless, the path towards exascale computing brings about a number of complex challenges, in hardware and software, which will impact the development of application codes. To learn more about current efforts on the topic check the report "The Opportunities and Challenges of Exascale Computing", http://science.energy.gov/~/media/ascr/ascac/pdf/reports/Exascale_subcommittee_report.pdf.
> - Tool releases
> Global Arrays. The latest release (5.0.2) incorporates some important bug fixes for the major release 5.0. See http://www.emsl.pnl.gov/docs/global for details.
> Hypre. The latest release (2.7.0b) provides a new, more robust smoother for the parallel algebraic multigrid method implemented in BoomerAMG. Changes to the Fortran interface have also been implemented, to facilitate the use of MPI communicators. See http://computation.llnl.gov/casc/hypre for details (and a list of bug fixes).
> SLEPc. The latest release (3.1-p6) incorporates bug fixes for the major release 3.1. See http://www.grycap.upv.es/slepc for details.
> SuperLU. The latest releases of the sequential (SuperLU) and distributed (SuperLU_DIST) versions (4.1 and 2.5, respectively) unify the superlu_options_t{} structure, replace mc64ad.f by mc64ad.c (through f2c), and incorporate bug fixes. See http://crd.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU for details.
> TAU. The latest release (2.20.2) provides improved support for profiling GPGPU applications (for CUDA and OpenCL), functionality to instrument libraries where the source code is not available, functionality to track IO parameters, and improvements in Perfexplorer and ParaProf. See http://tau.uoregon.edufor details (and a list of bug fixes).
> Trilinos. The latest release (10.6) adds improvements to many of Trilinos' existing packages, as well as Teko, which is a new library for the implementation of blocked and segregated preconditioners for iterative solvers. See http://trilinos.sandia.gov for details.
> **********************************************************************
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