[petsc-dev] Could generatefortranstubs.py be lazier about modification times?

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 10:14:35 CDT 2010

Okay, this is really crap. Make that POS use a better predicate than
"modified", like "checksum changed".
This is what builder does ;)


On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Kai Germaschewski <
kai.germaschewski at unh.edu> wrote:

> A common trick with regular Makefiles, which you should be to able to
> adopt, is to:
> generated.c: blah blah FORCE
>         ./generate_it > $@.tmp
>         if cmp generated.c generated.c.tmp; then
>            mv $@.tmp $@
>         else
>            rm -f $@.tmp
> It's not really pretty, but I think a bit less hacky than mucking with
> mtime, and it's definitely safe. (I may have the cmp logic reversed, but you
> get the idea. Instead of .tmp, you could do a separate dir)
> --Kai
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Jed Brown <jed at 59a2.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 23:26, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> > Hmm - if there is a file 'xxx.c' - then bfort generates ftn-auto/xxxf.c
>> It looks like generation of include/finclude/ftn-auto/*.h90 is much
>> less direct.  The dependencies below also produce unused *.h90 files.
>> What is bfort using to produce these f90module.f90 files?  Do you
>> think it's feasible to get a list of files that each *.h90 depends on?
>>  If not, I guess I'll just live with the few seconds to recompile
>> these and relink even though nothing changed.
>> Jed
>> src/sys/plog/f90module.f90 -> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscprofiling.h90
>> src/sys/verbose/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscprofiling.h90
>> src/mat/order/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/matfd/f90module.f90 -> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatfd.h90
>> src/mat/partition/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/partition/impls/party/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/partition/impls/chaco/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/partition/impls/jostle/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/partition/impls/pmetis/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/mat/partition/impls/scotch/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscmatorderings.h90
>> src/characteristic/interface/f90module.f90 ->
>> include/finclude/ftn-auto/petscsemilagrange.h90
> --
> Kai Germaschewski
> Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics / Space Science Center
> University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824
> office: Morse Hall 245E
> phone:  +1-603-862-2912
> fax: +1-603-862-2771

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
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