[petsc-dev] Simplifying PETSc Debugging in Totalview

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 29 14:44:30 CDT 2010

  PETSc users,

  Jeff Keasler has pointed out that TotalView 8.8 and later support a new feature where libraries can provide code that displays the contents of an object in any useful format (allowing for example, PETSc to provide code to nicely display entries of a sparse matrix in the debugger).  I have tried this out by including in petsc-dev a very simple viewer for Vec and Mat; these will just work if you use TotalView 8.8 or higher with PETSc-dev.

  If any users really love using Totalview with PETSc and would like to see this extended (or extend it themselves :-) the example source code is in src/vec/vec/interface/vector.c  called TV_display_type() and please get in touch with us.



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