[petsc-dev] configuration crash

Wesley Smith wesley.hoke at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 11:47:37 CDT 2010

I'm trying to build petsc-dev.  I've just downloaded it form the repo
a couple of days ago.  When I run:

./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-clanguage=cxx --download-boost
--with-fc=0 --download-parmetis --with-shared --with-dynamic
--download-mpich --with-sieve --with-cuda=0

I get:

             Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
TESTING: checkCUDAPreprocessor from

        CONFIGURATION CRASH  (Please send configure.log to
petsc-maint at mcs.anl.gov)

This is what the bottom of the log says

        CONFIGURATION CRASH  (Please send configure.log to
petsc-maint at mcs.anl.gov)
'Configure' object has no attribute 'CUDACC'  File "./configure", line
270, in petsc_configure
    framework.configure(out = sys.stdout)
  File "/Users/wesleysmith/Documents/projects/toposynth/PetSc/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py",
line 946, in configure
  File "/Users/wesleysmith/Documents/projects/toposynth/PetSc/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py",
line 1384, in configure
  File "/Users/wesleysmith/Documents/projects/toposynth/PetSc/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/base.py",
line 97, in executeTest
    ret = apply(test, args,kargs)
  File "/Users/wesleysmith/Documents/projects/toposynth/PetSc/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py",
line 533, in checkCUDAPreprocessor
    for compiler in self.generateCUDAPreprocessorGuesses():
  File "/Users/wesleysmith/Documents/projects/toposynth/PetSc/petsc-dev/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py",
line 528, in generateCUDAPreprocessorGuesses
    yield self.CUDACC+' -E'

I was hoping --with-cuda=0 would prevent it from checking CUDA.  I
don't have CUDA on my system, so I can't give a value for CUDACC that
would make sense and if I provide something random it still crashes.
How  can I circumvent this check to continue with the build process?


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