[petsc-dev] [petsc-maint #49590] problem building petsc-dev

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Jul 17 00:27:20 CDT 2010

On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Satish Balay wrote:

> > >>> Part of the problem is: configure cannot distinguish between user
> > >>> provided value vs configure default value - for any given option. So
> > >>> we can't do both:

Actually this looks simple to fix. A single liner already exists in
PETSc/Configure.py. So I just need it in framework.py

    args = dict([(nargs.Arg.parseArgument(arg)[0], arg) for arg in self.framework.clArgs])

diff -r 583bb7a11b3a config/framework.py
--- a/config/framework.py       Fri Jul 16 19:44:18 2010 -0500
+++ b/config/framework.py       Fri Jul 16 23:42:31 2010 -0500
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@
     # List of packages actually found
     self.packages           = []
+    # Create argDB for user specified options only
+    self.userArgDB = dict([(nargs.Arg.parseArgument(arg)[0], arg) for arg in self.clArgs])
   def __getstate__(self):


Now the following works

    # if user specifies inconsistant 'with-dynamic-loader with-shared-libraries with-pic' options - flag error.
    if self.framework.argDB['with-dynamic-loader'] and not self.framework.argDB['with-shared-libraries'] and 'with-shared-libraries' in self.framework.userArgDB:
      raise RuntimeError('If you use --with-dynamic-loader you cannot disable --with-shared-libraries')
    if self.framework.argDB['with-dynamic-loader'] and not self.framework.argDB['with-pic'] and 'with-pic' in self.framework.userArgDB:
      raise RuntimeError('If you use --with-dynamic-loader you cannot disable --with-pic')
    if self.framework.argDB['with-shared-libraries'] and not self.framework.argDB['with-pic'] and 'with-pic' in self.framework.userArgDB:
      raise RuntimeError('If you use --with-shared-libraries you cannot disable --with-pic')

But I'd also like to do:
    # default with-dynamic-loader=1 => with-shared-libraries=1 --with-pic=1
    # default with-shared-libraries=1 => --with-pic=1
    if self.framework.argDB['with-dynamic-loader'] and not self.framework.argDB['with-shared-libraries']: self.framework.argDB['with-shared-libraries'] = 1
    if self.framework.argDB['with-shared-libraries'] and not self.framework.argDB['with-pic']: self.framework.argDB['with-pic'] = 1

but the code in buildsystem checkPIC() etc gets run before
sharedLibraries.py - so having the above code in sharedLibraries.py
won't work. [have to figure this out..]


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