ML symbols in

Jed Brown jed at
Wed Oct 28 18:13:41 CDT 2009

Jed Brown wrote:
> Satish Balay wrote:
>> I don't see any changes in the 'shared' target for linux [in conf/rules]
>> And I just did a build with current petsc-dev - and see a bunch of ML_ symbols
> Thanks Satish.  Wiping externalpackages and PETSC_ARCH was enough.

I spoke too soon.  It worked with the minimal

--with-shared --with-blas-lapack-dir=/usr --with-mpi-dir=/usr --download-ml

but the symbols are missing with my usual options

--with-shared --with-{blas-lapack,umfpack}-dir=/usr --with-{mpi,parmetis,zoltan,hdf5}-dir=/usr --download-{ml,blacs,chaco,superlu,superlu_dist,spooles,sundials,hypre,spai,scalapack,mumps} --with-{sowing,c2html,lgrind}

Here are my build logs if you want to have a look, otherwise I'll
investigate tomorrow.

PETSC_ARCH=ompi-ml has all the symbols, PETSC_ARCH=ompi is only missing ML symbols.


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