since developing object oriented software is so cumbersome in C and we are all resistent to doing it in C++

Matthew Knepley knepley at
Sat Dec 5 11:29:52 CST 2009

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at> wrote:

>   Suggestion:
> 1) Discard PETSc
> 2) Develop a general Py{CL, CUDA, OpenMP-C} system that dispatches "tasks"
> onto GPUs and multi-core systems (generally we would have one python process
> per compute node and local parallelism would be done via the low-level
> kernels to the cores and/or GPUs.)
> 3) Write a new PETSc using MPI4py and 2) written purely in Python 3000
> using all its cool class etc features
> 4) Use other packages (like f2py) to generate bindings so that 3) maybe
> called from Fortran90/2003 and C++ (these probably suck since people usually
> think the other way around; calling Fortran/C++ from Python, but maybe we
> shouldn't care; we and our friends can just be 10 times more efficient
> developing apps in Python).
>   enjoy coding much better than today.
>  What is wrong with Python 3000 that would make this approach not be great?

I am very a big fan of this approach. Let me restate it:

  a) Write the initial code in Python for correctness checking, however
develop a performance model which will allow transition to an accelerator

  b) Move key pieces to a faster platform using

      i) Cython

      ii) PyCUDA

  c) Coordinate loose collection of processes with MPI for large problems

A few comments. Notice that for many people c) is unnecessary if you can
coordinate several GPUs from one CPU. The
key piece here is a dispatch system. Felipe, Rio, and I are getting this
done now. Second, we can leverage all of petc4py
in step b.

In my past attempts at this development model, they have always floundered
on inner loops or iterations. These cannot be
done in Python (too slow) and cannot be wrapped (too much overhead).
However, now we have a way to do this, namely
RunTime Code Generation (like PyCUDA). I think this will get us over the
hump, but we have to rethink how we code things,
especially traversals, which now become lists of scheduled tasks as in FLASH
(from van de Geijn).


>   Barry
> When coding a new numerical algorithm for PETSc we would just code in
> Python, then when tested and happy with reimplement in Py{{CL, CUDA,
> OpenMP-C}
> The other choice is designing and implementing our own cool/great OO
> language with the flexibilty and power we want, but I fear that is way to
> hard  and why not instead leverage Python.

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