recent changes to ILUDT and matrix factorization API

Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at
Tue Apr 28 12:07:06 CDT 2009

In a recent commit, MatILUDTFactorSymbolic() and
MatILUDTFactorNumeric() were merged in MatILUDTFactor(). However,
MatILUDTFactor() does not do itself the MatGetFactor() call (instead,
that call is hardwired in PCSetUp_ILU()).

IMHO, MatILUDTFactor() (or the type-specific implementations) should
make the call to MatGetFactor(). This is like things work for
MatLUFactor(), for example.

Moreover, I believe PC ILU when "ilu->usedt" is now broken for the
cases "pc->flag != SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN" and "!ilu->reusefill",
because of the MatDestroy() calls.

Finally I would like to point that I'm somewhat -1 in the whole change
merging the calls. Let's take for example LU factorization.

A) If you want to perform LU factorization with "in-place" semantics,
you call MatLUFactor(A). In this case, the "in-place" is just
semantics, as the operation is always truly inplace (certainly not for
SeqAIJ, for example).

B) If you want to perform LU factorization with "out-of-place"
semantics, you call MatGetFactor(A,&fact) +
MatLUFactorSymbolic(fact,A) + MatLUFactorNumeric(fact,A).

I do not see why ILUDT (or even ILU(n) with n>1) should be treated
differently. The only one that could be special cased is ILU(0),
because it can be done truly in-place if the user request it.

Perhaps other option is remove all calls like (A), just because truly
"in-place" cannot be done in practice, and special case ILU(0) and
ICC(0). I mean, the only calls with "in-place" semantics should be
MatILUFactor() and MatICCFactor(), but the fail if the levels of fill
is not zero.

Lisandro Dalcín
Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - Güemes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

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