Parallel direct solvers with PFLOTRAN
Barry Smith
bsmith at
Wed Sep 17 09:51:24 CDT 2008
Given that constructing the LU factorization will be time-
consuming you may want to also try lagging the computation of the LU,
for example,
to have the LU done once for an entire Newton solve you can use
-flow_ksp_type ibcgs (or bcgs) -flow_snes_lag_preconditioner 100
(some large number here)
To keep the LU factors the same for several timesteps you can call
SNESSetLagPreconditioner(snes,-1,ierr) Then you need to call with
SNESSetLagPreconditioner(snes,largenumber,ierr) to trigger a recompute
and then before the next SNESSolve call with -1 to stop the
I realize I need to add a SNESSetLagPreconditioner(snes,-2,ierr) to
trigger a single recomputation of the LU. I will do this as soon as I
On Sep 16, 2008, at 11:00 PM, Richard Tran Mills wrote:
> Peter and Glenn,
> You had asked about using parallel direct solvers with PFLOTRAN. If
> you install a package such as mumps or superlu_dist with the
> corresponding PETSc interfaces, you can easily try using a direct
> solver using command line options such as the following:
> -flow_mat_type mpiaij -flow_ksp_type preonly -flow_pc_type lu -
> flow_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps
> You'll need to pull and update to include the push I made tonight
> that allows you to specify the matrix type on the command line.
> (Things default to BAIJ, which isn't supported for the direct
> solvers.)
> The above looks pretty messy but we can worry about making a cleaner
> way to do this if this turns out to be something that you might want
> to do on a routine basis.
> I have tested PFLOTRAN with both MUMPS and SuperLU_dist on a Linux
> workstation using the very simple 'TAO/100_10_10' problem in the
> examples directory. This works fine. I was having some problems
> getting things to work properly on Jaguar (no surprise) and wasn't
> quite able to get things resolved before the machine went down for
> most of today. I will try again tomorrow.
> In your own experiments, I would start with trying out MUMPS, as
> anecdotal evidence suggests that it is fairly robust.
> --Richard
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