PETSc sparsity

Toby Young tyoung at
Sat Jun 16 16:51:41 CDT 2007

>    How are you applying boundary conditions? That requires the
> sparsity pattern?

I am trying to apply Dirchlet boundary conditions, ie. solution = 0 on
all boundaries. This, as I understand it, requires a Guass elimination
process to keep the final matrix symmetric. If it really is necessary to
have the sparsity pattern to do this, and it cost more memory, so be it...

I am confused on why this needs the sparsity pattern; if I am to be
honest. I will speak with the dealii developers on what the *real* problem
is. Perhaps in a few days I can be more specific.

Sorry if I seem so vague at this time.     :-)
Very happy you are willing to help.



Toby D. Young (Adiunkt)
Department of Computational Science
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Science
Room 206, ul. Swietokrzyska 21
00-049 Warszawa, POLAND

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