Complex matrices with UMFPACK

Barry Smith bsmith at
Sun Jun 25 17:34:52 CDT 2006


     We didn't plan to do it, but if UMFPACK supports complex
numbers by compiling in C++ it should be trivial to add.
Just edit src/mat/impls/aij/seq/makefile remove the
rule at the top that requires real and see what happens
when you compile in that directory. You may have to make some
minor changes to the file to get it working. Properly completely
the job also requires some changes to python/Petsc/packages/

    Good luck,

   If UMFPACK supports complex by some non-standard extension
of C for the complex data type (like gnu gcc provides) it will
not be so simple because we don't currently PETSc working this way.
Actually a user was going to add this support but we haven't
heard back. It may have been too difficult.


On Sun, 25 Jun 2006, Christophe Geuzaine wrote:

> Just a quick question: are there any plans to support complex matrices
> with UMFPACK in the (relatively near) future? If not, how hard do you
> think it would be to extend the current integration of UMFPACK to deal
> with complex numbers?
> Many thanks for all your work on PETSc: it's proven a very useful and
> reliable tool over the years!
> Best,
> Christophe

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