[petsc-announce] petsc-3.7.5.tar.gz now available

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Jan 1 10:55:56 CST 2017

Dear PETSc users,

The patch release petsc-3.7.5 is now available for download.

Some of the changes include:

 * SuperLU_DIST: update to verison 5.1.3 for bug fixes.

 * configure: improve MKL detection on OSX

 * MUMPS: update to version 5.0.2-p2 for bug fixes.

 * ctable: update to use double hashing - to fix performance issues

 * configure: allow using both release tarballs and git tarballs for petsc4py, superlu, superlu_dist etc.

 * SuperLU_DIST: set FactPattern = SamePattern_SameRowPerm as default when reuse matrix factor

 * SuperLU_DIST: Bugfix for repeated call of MatLUFactorNumeric_SuperLU_DIST()

 * TSRK: fix memory corruption

 * TS: allow unassembled mats in compute IJacobian.


 * DMLocalizeCoordinates: Use PETSC_COMM_SELF for local coordinate vector

 * pastix: update to version 5.2.3 - for some build fixes

 * PCSetUp_SVD():fix issue with using incorrect matrix for matrix size in parallel

 * PetscOptions: Make PetscOptionsSetValue/ClearValue symmetric with mixed-case

 * MatMUMPS: fix conversion from SeqAIJ to mumps upper triangular format in case of missing diagonal

 * MatSeqAIJ: fix improper use of diagonal wrt MatZeroRows_SeqAIJ() and MatZeroRowsColumns_SeqAIJ()


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