[petsc-announce] petsc-3.7.3.tar.gz now available

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Jul 24 13:44:41 CDT 2016

Dear PETSc users,

The patch release petsc-3.7.3 is now available for download.

Some of the changes include:

 * Vec: enable Fortran interfaces for VecGetLocalVectorRead(), VecRestoreLocalVectorRead()

 * Vec: enable Fortran interfaces for VecGetLocalVector(), VecRestoreLocalVector()

 * Mat: fix MatShift() bug when shift operation has not been provided

 * PCBDDC: fix for getri error -2 with MKL

 * SNES: Only apply the SNES QN Powell condition after the first full iteration of L-BFGS

 * Monitor: -xxx_monitor would result in multiple output of the same data if xxxSetFromOptions() was called multiple times

 * DMP4est: in setup, coordDM needs the pointSF, too.

 * Fortran: enable stub for MatCreateRedundantMatrix()

 * Mat: Fix bugs in MatGetRowIJ_SeqBAIJ() and MatGetRowIJ_SeqSBAIJ()

 * IS: added missing Fortran stubs ISGetTotalIndices(), ISRestoreTotalIndices(), ISGetNonlocalIndices(), ISRestoreNonlocalIndices()

 * Mat: Added MatFDColoringSetType()

 * TS: Set default TSAdaptType at creation

 * Mat: enable fortran stubs for MatCreateComposite(), MatCompositeSetType()

 * Superlu/Superlu_DIST: update to latest maint snapshot

 * KSP: fix KSPSetNormType(ksp,KSP_NORM_NONE)

 * TS: Run forward cost integral after event handling if step not rolled back

 * Fixed a variety of issues related to iOS builds

 * ML: update to use a snapshot with a build fix for --with-fc=0 [aka Mac]

 * HYPRE: update to 2.11.1 release from RC

 * PetscSF: Recursively unwrap dupped types


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