[petsc-announce] petsc-3.4.4.tar.gz now available

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Mar 14 19:09:07 CDT 2014

Dear PETSc users,

The patch release petsc-3.4.4 is now available for download.

Some of the changes include:

   * MatDense: fix overflow with int32*int32 during malloc()

   * VecView_MPI_DA: fix gsizes bug (bad conversion in parent commit)

   * MATSNESMF: fix so that MatMFFDSetFunction() works correctly with it

   * configure: enable hdf5 even when its not built with a compression library

   * configure: check for ddot_() in chaco and reject it - if found

   * configure: print download package URL before downloading the package

   * MatNullSpaceCreateRigidBody: fix array length for 3D

   * MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat: Correctly check input type of Mat argument

   * Matlab: Fix Matlab viewer for parallel complex vectors

   * Mat: Turned on Fortran binding for MatSetValuesBlockedStencil()

   * Mat: bugfix in MatCreateSeqAIJFromTriple()

   * SNESLINESEARCHBT: Set the norms when exiting early due to negligible step

   * configure: detect if winzip is used to extract petsc.tar.gz and error out

   * configure: check for windows-python and give error message

   * Mat: Check column block size in MatSetBlockSizes

   * Mat: add non-square block support for MatSetValuesBlocked

   * PetscSynchronizedFGets: fix deadlock at EOF

   * Mat: fix bad LogFlops in MatSOR_SeqSBAIJ.


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