preview release of PnetCDF 1.10.0

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at
Wed Jun 13 15:02:53 CDT 2018

Hello to the PnetCDF community,

We are pleased to announce the preview release of PnetCDF 1.10.0,
parallel-netcdf-1.10.0.pre, is now available. We are sincerely
soliciting feedbacks from the PnetCDF community for this test
release. The tar ball can be downloaded from:

Below is a brief list of noticeable changes.
1. A new feature makes use of burst buffers.
2. Reduce memory footprint.
3. Semantics of ncmpi_put_vard and ncmpi_get_vard APIs have been revised to allow request aggregation across multiple variables.
4. Building process for shared libraries has been improved.

Detailed changes made since 1.9.0 are listed in

Please report problems encountered to this mailing list.
We plan to make the release of 1.10.0 within two weeks.


Wei-keng Liao

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