Parallel-NetCDF included in NetCDF-4 ?

Monier, Louis louis_monier at
Tue Jun 6 13:49:14 CDT 2017

Dear Parallel-NetCDF users,

I’m Louis Monier, a young undergraduate from France who joined Zhiming Kuang’s research group in Harvard university for 4 months (internship). I’m working on the optimization of a  code (related to atmospheric modelling) with the use of parallel NetCDF to speed up the output process.

I’m a beginner in parallel computing. I would have a important question for you. I can’t find a clear answer on the internet:

I’ve seen on the Parallel-NetCDF web site ( that starting from version 4.4.0, the NetCDF library includes both sequential and parallel access. So here is my question:
If I want to speed up my output process using a NetCDF file with a parallel write process, should I use the PNETCDF library or NETCDF library (starting from version 4.4.0) ?
In other words, is PNETCDF library included in NETCDF library from version 4.4.0 ?

Indeed, it’s possible to find some parallel-NetCDF examples. Some are using NETCDF library, other are using PNETCDF library. I don’t which one is best to use.

Thank you to inform me on this subject.


Louis Monier
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