
Rob Latham robl at
Tue Jan 26 09:10:51 CST 2016

On 01/25/2016 05:33 PM, Noel Keen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a code which has a build system that is looking for nc-config to query about installation.
> For example:
> edison07% nc-config --has-dap
> no
> nc-config exists for serial netcdf install, but is nowhere to be found for the pnetcdf
> install.  Should it be there?  Is nc-config a part of parallel netcdf?
> I should installed pnetcdf 1.6.1 on local workstation and I can't a nc-config
> anywhere.  It would seem that nc-config would know about parallel builds
> as why is there a "nc-config --has-pnetcdf" ?

pkg-config is a really useful way for packages to advertise the 
necessary include files, libraries, and features.  I think it's fair to 
call it a de-facto standard at this point.

Some packages make one-off *-config tools (e.g. pvfs2-config, this 
nc-config) to do the same thing.

Parallel-netcdf doesn't do either, mostly because the library 
requirements are pretty small: an mpi library and itself.  But we can 
definitely add a pnetcdf.pc for pkg-config.

nc-config is part of Unidata Netcdf.  The nc- prefix is the giveaway: if 
it were part of parallel-netcdf we'd call it ncmpi-config.

nc-config knows about parallel builds because Unidata netcdf can be 
configured lots of different ways.  One of those ways is "implement 
parallel I/O by sitting on top of Parallel-NetCDF".  Another way is 
"implement parallel I/O on top of HDF5."

Parallel-Netcdf can really only be configured one way.

> Thanks
> Noel

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