File header is inconsistent among processes

Sean Byland seanb at
Mon Sep 29 16:21:54 CDT 2014

Thanks. When I ran his application one of the output files was an order of
magnitude too small but parallel-netcdf didn’t report a problem making
PNETCDF_SAFE_MODE less useful. This makes me think there’s a problem with
his application (i.e. a race condition).

Sean B.

On 9/29/14, 4:05 PM, "Rob Latham" <robl at> wrote:

>On 09/29/2014 03:56 PM, Sean Byland wrote:
>> Rob,
>> Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reproduce the error, but he did have an
>> ncfile laying around so I can provide the ncdump -h output. Not to be
>> dense but what should I be looking for (I see lots of time values) ?
>> Knowing almost nothing about pnetcdf, I would think that if different
>> processes had inconsistent data, wouldn’t they fail on the write and
>> therefore I wouldn’t be able to observe what values where inconsistent ?
>I think you're going to be better served by Wei-keng's environment
>variable suggestion, but read on for a bit of background:
>Parallel-NetCDF expects the header to be identical on all N MPI
>processes.  How can processes have different data and yet still read the
>file?  well, the header is pretty simple.    It's not too far off to
>think of it as a big array of (now 64 bit) values.
>On one process you might have the attribute "timestamp" with a value
>"2014-09-29-16:00:34 CST", followed by the information "the variable
>Pressure starts at offset 20023423 bytes".
>On another process, you might have the exact same information, except
>the time stamp is "2014-09-29-23:00:34 GMT".  The information about the
>variable will still start at the same place and contain the same
>information.  Rank 0 will broadcast its version of the header to all the
>other processes.  If any of them differ in any byte, the library will
>give an error.
>If the check was more involved, we could warn about attribute values
>that differ slightly but press on if "important" values (which we would
>have to define) were all consistent.
>> Thanks for any info.
>> Sean
>> On 9/19/14, 1:42 PM, "Rob Latham" <robl at> wrote:
>>> On 09/19/2014 12:54 PM, Sean Byland wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> A parallel-netcdf user gets this error:
>>>>     NetCDF error: File header is inconsistent among processes
>>>>     NetCDF error ( -250 ) from NFMPI_ENDDEF in
>>>> ext_pnc_open_for_write_commit wrf_io.F90, line 1360
>>>>    med_restart_out: opening wrfrst_d01_2013-06-01_00_10_00 for writing
>>> The most common cause for this message is when there's a timestamp
>>> attribute: the processes are not 100% in lock step, and so create ever
>>> so slightly different timestamps.
>>> Can you provide the header of a CCE run? You can use 'ncmpidump -h' or
>>> serial netcdf's 'ncdump -h'
>>> ==rob
>>>> when running  software/parallel-netcdf (1.5.0) libraries that were
>>>> with CCE but doesn’t with an application/library that were built with
>>>> Intel’s compiler. I’m still waiting on the user for something that I
>>>> need to reproduce the error and start experimenting but was hoping
>>>> someone on this mailing list might have some useful information or
>>>> about what’s causing this error and how I might fix it (or where I
>>>> look). All of the “make check” test pass. Thanks for any input.
>>>> Sean B
>>> --
>>> Rob Latham
>>> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
>>> Argonne National Lab, IL USA
>Rob Latham
>Mathematics and Computer Science Division
>Argonne National Lab, IL USA

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