Fwd: Error try install parallel-NetCDF: configure: error: F77 does not support "integer*8"
Varlei Everton Menconi
varlei at dge.inpe.br
Tue Jun 28 11:05:49 CDT 2011
Hi all members this list.;
Wei-keng suggested:
From your configure log, I can see the "configure" is still using f77.
The problem is "configure" checks the environment variable "FC" instead of "F77".
Can you try set "FC" to gfortran and let us know?
By the way, here is the list of environment variables that can be set. (in tcsh)
setenv CC gcc
setenv CXX g++
setenv FC gfortran
setenv F90 gfortran
setenv MPICC mpicc
setenv MPICXX mpicxx
setenv MPIF77 mpif77
setenv MPIF90 mpif90
I make the environment variables:
MAILTO=varlei at dge.inpe.br
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++
export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran
export F90=/usr/bin/gfortran
export MPICC=/usr/bin/mpicc
export MPICXX=/usr/bin/mpiccxx
export MPIF77=/usr/bin/mpif77
export MPIF90=/usr/bin/mpif90
The return that command printenv it's attached file Lista3.txt.
The variables to do correct values (conform show file).
Then i try to compile with command follow.
MAILTO=varlei at dge.inpe.br
rm -fR /usr/local/parallelNetCDF/*.*
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/parallelNetCDF --enable-fortran
--enable-mpi-io-test --with-mpi=/usr
This log's that command into attached file LogCompiler3.txt
Error still persist: /*"configure: error: F77 does not support
Even with the parameter "--disable-fortran" in to line command, error
still persist.
I can't understand why.
Jim Edwards suggest i tryed compile the code follow in my computer:
> program test
> integer*8 :: fred
> end program
I try to compile with the command gfortran-4.5. (using the line
comand: gfortran-4.5 -o Teste Jim.f90 (source file with code) )
The compiled with sucess and without errors. I run the executable
file and find execution with errors.
I try the with symbolic link g77 (using the line comand: g77 -o Teste2
Jim.f90 (source file with code) ) ./Teste2
The compiled with sucess and without errors. I run the executable
file and find execution with errors.
I can't understand why,
I can't understand why.
I can't understand why.
Thanks by your help.
Varlei Everton Menconi
(varlei at dge.inpe.br)
INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
CEA - Ciências Espaciais e Atmosféricas
DGE - Divisão de Geofísica Espacial
Avenida dos Astronautas, 1758- Jardim Granja -Predio Sigma -Sala 41
Cep: 12227-010 - São Jose dos Campos - SP - Brasil
fone: (055) (012) 3208-6819
fax: (055) (012) 3208-6810
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