assertion error

Robert Latham robl at
Fri Mar 13 17:38:09 CDT 2009

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 03:56:59PM -0600, Jim Edwards wrote:
> I tried building the pnetcdf repository revision 649 on AIX and I'm crashing
> with an assertion error
> __assert_c99 : 0x000002c0
> ncmpii_NC_computeshapes : 123 # in file <header.c>
> ncmpii_hdr_get_NC : 1268 # in file <header.c>
> ncmpi_open : 155 # in file <mpinetcdf.c>
> nfmpi_open : 36 # in file <openf.c>
> any idea why?

Well, I don't know why right now, but I can tell you a bit about what
that code is doing.  

This is in the open code path (not create)(and you knew that from the
assertion backtrace anyway...): we're dealing with pre-existing NetCDF
datasets.  pnetcdf at this point has ripped through the non-record
variables, figuring out where they reside.  

This assertion means it thinks it found a record variable that
overlaps with a non-record variable. 

I presume you do not see this with 1.0.3?  you could svn switch to  if you like
working from an svn working copy.

If you see this in r649 and not with 1.0.3, then it might be related
somehow to the CDF-5 work.  Can you follow up with a 'ncmpidump -h' of
your dataset?  


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Lab, IL USA                 B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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