improper fortran casting

Robert Latham robl at
Mon Mar 9 15:05:49 CDT 2009

A question for the Fortran experts on this list:

We have a C routine with this prototype:

int ncmpi_put_att_int(int ncid, int varid, const char *name,
        nc_type type, MPI_Offset nelems, const int *value)

(In this example, as would be by far the most common case, let's make
MPI_Offset an 8 byte value)

I run into problems when I call the fortran binding for the routine
like this:

integer ncid
integer ierr
integer n_elem
ierr = nfmpi_put_att_int(ncid, NF_GLOBAL, 'my_attribute', NF_INT, 1, n_elem)

The problem is that '1' there is treated as an array of MPI_Offset by
the C function, but passed to pnetcdf's fortran binding as an array of
integer (a 4 byte integer, at that).   The C function recieves a
1-element array of MPI_Offset with contents of some enormous garbage

If I define 


and pass that to nfmpi_put_att_int, then I have no problems.

To make life as easy as possible for our Fortran users, how can I get
Fortran to treat that constant '1' as an 8 byte value?  In C, the
compiler consults the prototype and promotes the type. 


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Lab, IL USA                 B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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