parallel-netcdf 1.0.2 released

Robert Latham robl at
Fri Nov 9 16:38:27 CST 2007

Well, I didn't hear too many complaints about the pnetcdf
pre-releases.  In that case....

The Parallel-NetCDF team is please to release 1.0.2, just in time for
the SC07 rush.  

It's been almost two years since our last "official" release.  No
groundbreaking new features since 1.0.1, but we've accumulated bug
fixes and various improvements in the meantime.  Plus, we've got our
code under SVN now (complete with public read-only access) and a
trac-based defect-tracker.  

Come and get it:

- bug fixes in nonblocking I/O functions
- code cleanups
- better error handling
- CDF-2 format bugfixes
- even better cross-compliation support
- speedups from serial NetCDF attribute access code
- use proper MPI fortran-to-c conversion routines in Fortran bindings
- configure knows about 'gfortran' compiler now
- assorted configure checks for sicortex
- fixed reference counting bug
- handle null stride to vars routines
- Clean up Itanium warnings
- Better interaction with HP-MPI

I should note for our AIX-using friends that AIX is still a problem
area for some:  do give it a shot and let us know what problems

==rob (and the rest of the pnetcdf gang)

Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Lab, IL USA                 B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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