
Wei-keng Liao wkliao at
Wed Jun 20 12:48:52 CDT 2007

Your val array passed in nfmpi_put_vara_double() should contain 51,52,...
for myPE == 1. This array will be used from index 1, 2, 3 ...

The error message 'netCDF file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER' is because you use 
NC_NOCLOBBER in nfmpi_create() and the output file already exists. Use
NC_CLOBBER instead to overwrite the file.


On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, michael bane wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 10:30 -0500, Wei-keng Liao wrote:
>> The default I/O mode for pnetcdf is collective, to switch to independent
>> mode, wrap the indep I/O calls by
>>          stat = nfmpi_begin_indep_data(ncfileID)   and
>>          stat = nfmpi_end_indep_data(ncfileID)
> thanks!
>> I don't know the answer to the error messages between F77 and F90.
>> I also wonder if they are defined the same in NetCDF (the serial version).
> f77 and f90 seem the same for those error msgs I've seen (eg -35 =
> 'netCDF file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER')
> But returning to my example (full main Fortran s/prog unit below), I
> can't see why I'm not getting series 1,2,..,100 in the output file 
> part of the code, the /tmp/newFile_p2.ncf o/p file), but rather on 2 PEs
> both processes seem to be writing 1,2,..50 so I'm guessing I'm missing
> something (my impression was that each PE would write val(start),
> val(start+1) for its local value of start)
> also attached is /tmp/out which is output from
> ~/Fortran/MPI/parallel_netCDF$ rm /tmp/new*ncf && prun -B3 -l "%m%n:
> rank %g: " -n 2 -p login ./speed_1d_f90  > /tmp/out 2>&1
> cheers, michael
> ---

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