
michael bane michael.bane at
Wed Jun 20 09:39:00 CDT 2007

Sorry to show my naivety about [p-]netcdf, but am I correct in thinking
that the error codes for the f77 and f90 interfaces, ie as returned by
are the same?

And that some of the p-netcdf error codes are the same? But that some
values of stat give "unknown error"? 

So how would I go about determining what error code -26 (p-netcdf)
actually means? In context of the code segment:

! (v) use val(:) to fill varID
           write(*,*) 'p-netcdf: put var'
! NB: collective 'all vals of var' not exist
!!!        write(*,*) SHAPE(val)
!!!        write(*,*) start, count
!!!        write(*,*) start+count
!           stat = nfmpi_put_vara_double_all(ncfileID, varID, start,
count, val)
           stat = nfmpi_put_vara_double(ncfileID, varID, start, count,
           if (stat /= nf_noerr) call print_nf90error_and_abort(stat)
           write(*,*) 'done'

I can't see what I've done wrong - this is running on 1 PE and the
"_all" (collective) call works fine if uncommented.

Many thanks,

Michael Bane
Centre for Atmospheric Science
University of Manchester, U.K.

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