non contiguous data IO

Robert Latham robl at
Mon Oct 2 11:17:57 CDT 2006

On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 02:41:35PM +0200, Seiss, Guntram wrote:
> when using triangulated networks, we use an area splitting method to
> distribute the work on to sevaral processors.
> On file, it should be possible, to distribute the data non contiguos.
> As an example I wrote a test program using MPI-IO and an user defined
> fileview.
> The fileviews are constructed as follows:
>              P0 |0xxxx0000xxxxxxxxxx00xxxx|  
>              P1 |x1111xxxx1111xxxxxxxxxxxx| 
>              P2 |xxxxxxxxxxxxx222222xxxxxx|
>              P3 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3333|
>           total |0111100001111222222003333|
>  Now I would like to realize the same in pnetCDF. Does anyone know about
> examples, how I can use user defined
> MPI-datatypes to describe such pattern like the above one?

I think pnetcdf can help you out.  In our implementation, parallel
NetCDF creates file views much like you did by hand, but because
parallel-NetCDF creates NetCDF data files, there is a well-defined
structure to the generated file.  If you are ok with the datafile
format defined by NetCDF, then I think Parallel-NetCDF will do
something close to what you want, without a whole lot of effort on
your part.

With parallel-netcdf, you can described your data with pnetcdf
routines and then the write operation (ncmpi_put_vara_all, for
example) will carry out the I/O in parallel.  You will probably not
get the exact distribution of processes and I/O that you laid out
above, but you will have each process read/write its own region of the
netcdf datafile.  

Let us know if my answer is in any way confusing.  If you start
experimenting with parallel-netcdf, let us know how it goes.  we'll be
happy to help out if you run into problems.


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Labs, IL USA                B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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