unreceived messages / MPI_Finalize

Joachim Worringen joachim at ccrl-nece.de
Tue Jan 27 03:53:07 CST 2004

Jianwei Li:
> However, with the MPI_Finalize() fixed, I didn't get any error indicating
> unreceived messages with MPICH implementation. Actually I didn't observe
> any chance for a message to hang around, since we don't use any
> non-blocking MPI send/recv in our parallel-netCDF implementation. Indeed,
> MPI communication is only involved in limited MPI calls in our code:
> MPI_Init/MPI_Finalize, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Barrier, MPI_Allreduce, and a number
> of MPI_IO functions (currently, we don't use any non-blocking I/O in our
> implementation).

>From your description, it seems indeed unlikely that the problem is caused be 
pnetcdf. On the other hand, it doesn't show up for other applications doing 
MPI-IO... I'll have to track this down in more detail, it's probably in our 

 thanks, Joachim

Joachim Worringen - NEC C&C research lab St.Augustin
fon +49-2241-9252.20 - fax .99 - http://www.ccrl-nece.de

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