parallel-netcdf-0.9.3 released

Robert Latham robl at
Fri Dec 12 16:47:38 CST 2003

Even though it's been over a month since our last release, we haven't
made *too* many changes.  I've ported over serial netcdf's ncgen and
ncdump tools: now people can use 'ncmpidump' to see the contents of
their CDF-2 files. (i call them ncmpidump and ncmpigen to limit
namespace collisons w/ serial netcdf). 

So.. the brief changelog looks like this:

. added ncmpigen and ncmpidump utilities (ported from serial netcdf's
  ncgen and ncdump programs, respectively)

Note that since parallel-netcdf does not support the NC_BYTE type,
ncmpidump and ncmpigen also do not support NC_BYTE.  If this poses a
big problem for users, let us know.

It's been pretty quiet on the mailing list lately.  I hope that means
parallel-netcdf "just works" for all of you :>

Have fun

Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Labs, IL USA                B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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