unimplemented serial netcdf functions

Robert Latham robl at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Apr 7 13:31:27 CDT 2003

I know jianwei already knows about the serial netcdf functions we have
left to implement, but i'm adding them to the TODO, so let's see if
i've got the list correct.

FUNCTIONS: U == unimpplemented I == implemented

ncmpi_get  text uchar schar short int long float double
var1 [0]     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
var          I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
var_all      I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
vara         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
vara_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
vars         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
vars_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
varm         U   U      U    U     U   U    U      U     
varm_all     U   U      U    U     U   U    U      U     
vars         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     
vars_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I     

ncmpi_put  text uchar schar short int long float double
var1 [0]     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
var          I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
var_all      I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
vara         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
vara_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
vars         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
vars_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
varm         U   U      U    U     U   U    U      U
varm_all     U   U      U    U     U   U    U      U
vars         I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I
vars_all     I   U      U    I     I   U    I      I

[0] the var1 functions are all independent operations

It *might* make sense to have a get/put_var1_all, just to save the
hassle of wrapping those calls with begin/end_indep() calls.  Or maybe
we shouldn't, so that we discourage people from accessing little bits
of data at a time.  I don't have a good feel for how real codes use
serial netcdf. 

We can flesh out the implementation as needed, but it's important we
can tell interested users what we've done and not done: is this table


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Labs, IL USA                B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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