[Nek5000-users] In consistent periodic BC after prex

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 18 11:25:43 CDT 2018

Hi Neks, 

I did a mesh conversion from ICEM to NEK with ' ' (3 spaces) as boundary conditions instead of periodic. (It is a 3D naca profile). I tried n2to3 method for extrusion but I am not confident with that method since I already have a 3D mesh and my future works will be like that. 

So my problem is, I am trying to set periodic boundary conditions on both sides of the naca wing. I use prex for that. 

When I use prex for simple gemetries like cube and cylinder, the periodic conditions are set well. 

But when I try on NACA the periodic BCs become in consistent and it runs a loop to check the consistency and not generating rea file anymore. 

I commented some lines in source code (tools/prenek/bound.f) and tried to figure whats going on, then I generated an rea file and checked inside. 

I saw that some elements are not set with Periodic bcs. 

I understand that the loop helps to make the BC consitent. 

But could you please tell me why it happens to NACA and not for simple gemoteries. 

I am really stuck here.. 

Thank you 


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