[Nek5000-users] Re post-processing using f0000 files

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jan 12 06:42:33 CST 2018

Hi Ketan,

Yes there are 288 elements indeed.

As far as I can see it outpost the rms and TKE in the code. May I know
where it output the mean velocity?

      lt = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelt
      ifld  = 1

ccc   avg all the avgp10.f0* files
      call auto_averager(fname1)

ccc   copy uk=vx**2, vk=vy**2, wk=vz**2
      call col3(uk,vx,vx,lt)
      call col3(vk,vy,vy,lt)
      call col3(wk,vz,vz,lt)

ccc   avg all the rmsp10.f0* files
      call auto_averager(fname2)

ccc   u'^2,v'^2,w'^2 = rms - avg**2
      call sub2(vx,uk,lt)
      call sub2(vy,vk,lt)
      call sub2(vz,wk,lt)

ccc   Average in the z direction
      call my_z_avg(uk,vx,gs_avg_hndl,nelxy,ifld)
      call my_z_avg(vk,vy,gs_avg_hndl,nelxy,ifld)
      call my_z_avg(wk,vz,gs_avg_hndl,nelxy,ifld)

ccc   TKE = 0.5*(u'^2+v'^2+w'^2)
      call add4(pk,uk,vk,wk,lt)
      call cmult(pk,0.5,lt)

ccc   sqrt uk,vk,wk to get urms, vrms and wrms
      call vsqrt(uk,lt)
      call vsqrt(vk,lt)
      call vsqrt(wk,lt)

ccc   output urms**2,vrms**2 and wrms**2 along with the TKE
ccc   TKE is in pressure field
      call outpost(uk,vk,wk,pk,t,'   ')

Kind regards,

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