[Nek5000-users] SYM bc

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Feb 20 20:50:49 CST 2018

Hi, Neks.

I try to simulate the flow inside the channel between two parallel wall in
2D case.

First run: box between two parallel walls which are orthogonal to y-axis
with the vx being parabolic profile.

Secong run: a half of the box where one wall are orthogonal with y-axis and
'SYM' bc in middle of the box, with the vx being parabolic profile.

In the first case the vx profile is equal to exact solution with the
amplitude in the middle of the box being equal to 1.5. So in the second
case the vx profile also has the parobilic profile, but the amplitude on
the 'SYM' boundary equals to 1.497 intead of 1.5.

Is it some feature of bc ? And how I can fixed this ?
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