[Nek5000-users] Read file without using load_fld nor mfi subroutines

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue May 30 08:32:38 CDT 2017

Hi Neks,

I may have a problem when I'm trying to read velocity field (only 
velocity field, I don't need pressure.) so I can assign specific 
boundary conditions using userbc().

My questions are : 1) Is it possible to read velocity fields in nek that 
are contained in .f000* files without modifying the pressure "pr" nor 
the velocity fields "vx,vy,vz" ?
                               2) Is there any subroutine (besides 
load_fld or mfi) that would allow me to read .f000* files?

When I use the mfi (in ic.f) subroutine, it looks like the pressure 
field is modified and hence I'm quickly running into errors like the 

100 **ERROR**: Failed in HMHOLTZ: VELX          NaN          NaN 1.0000E-12.

If I use load_fld() I seem to me going back to the initial conditions.

Thank you for your help,


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