[Nek5000-users] param(2)

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jan 18 08:07:05 CST 2017

Hi all,

There seems to be some inconsistencies regarding dynamic (\mu)/kinematic 
(\nu) viscosity in nek:

- The manual says that P002 is kinematic viscosity (\nu)
- param(2) is stored in VDIFF, which is split by nu_star in split_vis
- In the turbChannel example, param(2) is added to the Dynamic 
Smagorinsky term, which has dimension m^2/s, as has \nu

On the other hand:
- MAKEVIS is stated to calculate 2*DEL*[mue*(S ....)], using VDIFF_E
- The manual says about P008: mavier5.f: param(8) = param(2) ! conduct = 
- \mu is listed as a parameter in Chapter 3.3.1 of the manual, regarding 
the .rea file.

In all the examples, param(1) = 1, so \nu = \mu, but for some physical 
cases it is convenient to keep the dimensional variables.

So what is the correct use of param(2)?

Carl Erik,
FFI, Norway

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