[Nek5000-users] trouble with visit

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Mar 20 08:10:44 CDT 2013

Hi Neks,

I am facing problems with the visualization in visit.
The output of the three scalar fields uzt, epst, epsv
is done is seen in the following line from my usr file.

Here, I wrote the data into four files (see further below). 
I also attach the visit  script

!-------usr file-------------------------------------------------
        do i=1,n

!-------No pressure field, no scalar output

        call outpost2( uzt,epst,epsv,pr,t,0,'eps')


!-------Visit script------------------------------------------------
version: 1.0
filetemplate: epsG1_64%d.f%05d
firsttimestep: 1
numtimesteps: 1

!-------the four files that have to be load into visit and which make up one snapshot--------------
-rw-r--r-- 1 josc1234 linux 2657536136 27. Feb 08:03 epsG1_640.f00001
-rw-r--r-- 1 josc1234 linux 2657536136 27. Feb 08:09 epsG1_641.f00001
-rw-r--r-- 1 josc1234 linux 2657536136 27. Feb 08:16 epsG1_642.f00001
-rw-r--r-- 1 josc1234 linux 2657536136 27. Feb 08:22 epsG1_643.f00001
-rw-r----- 1 josc1234 linux         87 20. Mär 13:37 vis.nek5000

!-------This is the error message in visit---------------------------------------
The compute engine running on makalu51.rz.tu-ilmenau.de has exited abnormally.

Shortly thereafter, the following occured...

The Pseudocolor plot of "y_velocity" for the file "/usr/wrk/people4/josc1234/nek5_visit/r095_Lx1_12_Ra1e8/vis.nek5000" could not be generated by the compute engine on host "localhost".

My questions:

Could it be that the graphics output should be in single precision?
I saw that the people at KTH did have similar trouble.
If yes, how can I switch to single precision in the usr file output?
For smaller grid it worked.

Thanks in advance, Joerg. 

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